Hi all,

If of course you do not celebrate Christmas, or any holiday at this time of year, please feel free to ignore this post, however I think you might enjoy its message all the same.

Christmas in my family has always been the time of year that, regardless of what has been going on, we have all gotten together as a family and had an amazing time. I’m not going to sit and preach about the ‘Perfect Christmas,’ because I honestly think that the lack of perfection is what makes all of those amazing Christmas memories that you will talk about for years to come. Whether that is the time the power went out everywhere except the kitchen, the time that you fell out over the use of proper nouns in Scrabble (you’re totally not allowed to do that are you?!) or the time that everyone thought someone else had bought the turkey (not my family but still funny). There is so much emphasis, probably due to the influx of Christmas movies depicting perfect days with enormous trees and an immaculate blanket of snow, on having this perfect day when everyone gets precisely what they want and no one forgot to buy batteries. Christmas mornings in my house always revolved around my poor siblings putting together whatever my parents had bought me for Christmas, or waiting for my sister to come home from work so that we could do presents. I think that we have all forgotten that Christmas is about being with your family and/or friends and having a lovely day, with far too much food (because if your mother is anything like mine, she will be determined not to shop until at least the 27th), and good company. Be grateful that you have a family to spend time with, a home to be in, and food to eat. Try not to throw things at Great Aunty M when she mishears every word you say, yet demonstrates a remarkable knowledge of rhyming words. Store them up for your Scrabble games later.

I hope that you all have a wonderful day with your family and friends tomorrow, and that you continue to enjoy the season beyond that, I know that families can’t all be together on the 25th and so often have second celebrations. Enjoy them all, and even if you don’t get butterflies in your tummy when you wake up and realise that it’s the 25th, rejoice in everything you have. Thank you all who are reading this, and for all those who regularly read my ramblings, and I hope to have many more coming your way very soon.

Happy holidays to all and don’t forget, if you forgot to buy something for someone, a ‘so sorry, I didn’t realise that we were exchanging gifts this year, let me take you out to the movies/dinner/for a spa day in the new year,’ goes a really long way!

Until next time,

B xoxo

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